RT @joe_hill: Correct response to catching a harsh for your work: shut up, learn what you can (if there's summin to learn), and work on the next thing.
RT @AdviceToWriters: Writing for children is murder. A chapter has to be boiled down to a paragraph. Every word has to count.
RT @brubaker: Comics needs to grow the fuck up. Hating when girls start liking the same cool things as you says more about you than the girls. A lot more.
RT @kathrynschulz: The abandoned island in Skyfall is real. And its story is sadder and more interesting than anything in the film. http://t.co/95qS9Aa9
RT @ColleenDoran: Dear evbdy @ book fairs/book awards: the artist is the co-author of that graphic novel you like. Stop dissing us or we'll stop drawing them.
RT @AdviceToWriters: Be true to yourself and to the culture you were born into. Tell your story as only you can tell it.